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We are delighted to introduce Centre for ADR’s new Journal of Dispute Resolution (CJDR). CJDR is the first online Journal of the CADR and it aims to publish truly interdisciplinary research on issues related to dispute resolution and settlement. In 2017, ADR Society of NLU, Delhi has been reorganized as the Centre for ADR. CADR has been working towards promoting ADR methods through training students and undertaking other activities.


Disputes are inevitable part of human relations and methods of its efficient resolution is continuously evolving. Across the world people are involved in research as to how disputes can be resolved effectively and thereby relationships can be improved. CJDR is a humble attempt on part of CADR to contribute towards this larger global agenda. CJDR will provide a platform for sharing up-to-date, high-quality and original research papers alongside contemporary and insightful reviews. This is a biannual online Journal. In the coming editions all types of papers will be subject to the journal’s double-blind review process. However, the pieces in this edition are only by invitation.


In this Issue of the Journal, we present to you articles on various issues of contemporary relevance like issues regarding pre-arbitral steps, online Mediation in India, appointment of arbitrators, conflict of interest of arbitrators, attributability of wrongful conduct in Investment Arbitration and fundamental concepts in arbitration and issues of non-signatories. We hope this Issue of the Journal will be able to excite your mind to explore the realm of ADR further.

We invite you to be a part of our journey to take the research in this area a notch higher by submitting your papers, case comments, book reviews, either individually or collaboratively. We thank you in advance for your contribution to the Centre for ADR Journal of Dispute Resolution.



List of Articles


       - John G. Shulman



       Harshad Pathak and Shivam Pandey, 'Alternative Dispute Resolution As Pre-Arbitral Step', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 1




       Sahil Kanuga and Aparimita Pratap, 'Online Mediation in India', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 25




       Anuradha Agnihotri, Lavanya B Ananth and Tanvi Pillai, 'The Rise and Fall of the Powers of Appointment Under 

       Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 41 




       Payel Chatterjee, Alipak Banerjee and Shweta Sahu, 'Halliburton v. Chubb: An English Law Treatise on Arbitral 

       Bias and The Indian Perspective', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 60




        Shashank Garg and Kanika Singh, 'To Implead or Not-to-Implead - Non-Signatories to an Arbitration

        Agreement', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 78 



       - Vishesh Sharma


        Vishesh Sharma, 'Nord Stream 2 v. The European Union - Attributability of Wrongful Conduct in Investment

        Arbitrations', (2021) 1 (1) CJDR 70



Advisory Board                                                        Editor-in-chief

Prof. Marc Galanter                                               Prof. (Dr.) Ruhi Paul

Prof. Steve K. Ngo

Prof. Sukhsimranjit Singh


Managing Editors                                                    Editors

Abhinav Hansaraman                                           Abhishek Jain

Hardik Baid                                                             Akanksha Mathur

                                                                                   Sanchita Bhat

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